Ms Access Database Examples Requesting Examples For Link Tables To Populate Data From Ms-access Database To Oracle?

Requesting examples for link tables to populate data from ms-access database to oracle? - ms access database examples

I have MS Access table in Table I, with a structure similar to the oracle. How do I transfer data from Access to Oracle. I said there was no concept, as is well known that helpul acheving linked tables are in this respect. It would be useful given for all examples.



Harold L said...

A linked table is a table that exists outside access (eg Oracle), but appears in the list of Access tables. Access uses ODBC to talk to Oracle, to ensure that your Oracle client and ODBC drivers are installed and working first.

You can then use the linked table in Access to the Oracle table. Then you simply write a query to move data, for example,

INSERT INTO Oracle_Table
SELECT * FROM Access_Table

There will also be able to work with the Oracle table in VB code in the same way that working with an Access table.

Harold L said...

A linked table is a table that exists outside access (eg Oracle), but appears in the list of Access tables. Access uses ODBC to talk to Oracle, to ensure that your Oracle client and ODBC drivers are installed and working first.

You can then use the linked table in Access to the Oracle table. Then you simply write a query to move data, for example,

INSERT INTO Oracle_Table
SELECT * FROM Access_Table

There will also be able to work with the Oracle table in VB code in the same way that working with an Access table.

Harold L said...

A linked table is a table that exists outside access (eg Oracle), but appears in the list of Access tables. Access uses ODBC to talk to Oracle, to ensure that your Oracle client and ODBC drivers are installed and working first.

You can then use the linked table in Access to the Oracle table. Then you simply write a query to move data, for example,

INSERT INTO Oracle_Table
SELECT * FROM Access_Table

There will also be able to work with the Oracle table in VB code in the same way that working with an Access table.

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