What Should My Bmi And Calorie Intake Be Question About Calorie Intake?

Question about calorie intake? - what should my bmi and calorie intake be

Ok, so I lose weight 10 pounds last baby, because she does not seem to want to cast your vote!

I have tried to take in about an hour of practice (especially heart and knees) and have been counting calories.

So the thing is that I eat normally, without the calories less than the recommended daily intake for my BMI. I am a vegetarian and filled with a lot less. So, if I lose weight, how many calories should I cut out bin, because I use less than recommended?

I think 1200-1400 is recommended per day, and I typically consumes per day 700-1000.

Oh, and I am moving from 140 pounds to 130 pounds, and I'm 5'7 "if that means anything

Thanksfor your help!


sant kabir said...

They have not cut the calories. For 10 pounds, only slightly increase the intensity of your workout and give your order atleast two months.

Mary said...

You do not consume enough calories. You need to consume more. There are around to help you determine what you should (and have to eat for free). I know b / c he lost the baby weight: 2 You also need to change your routine. Your body can get used to the same routine over and over again. You might also consider by weight training what you do. I do not want to go and get the weights are too large and unwieldy. You do not need more than 5 pounds of weight to work with. They need education and smart Smart Eat. If you do not do not eat enough, your body is in the food you eat B / C it is starving and you will get no results.

Russo said...

This is not the calories you should take care. His response to insulin of food you stuff Govt. The Google index of blood glucose.

Caroline said...

Originally to be, of course, designated by the consumption of different

remowlms said...

To lose 1 pound in a week, you must create a calorie deficit of 3500th This means that you should eat 500 calories less than that recommended which will maintain weight per day to lose a pound. Moreover, the number of calories can be burned during the workout on the amount of calories you consume will be deducted.

It may take a little note to exercise the weight loss on startup, how to add muscle mass to compensate for the loss of fat. It is a good thing, so do not worry too much.

One last thing. You should eat six small meals per day. This will speed up your metabolism and get the weight, plus a little faster.

Good luck and congratulations on the baby!

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