What Causes Uterine Lining Shedding Is This True?i Think It Is?

Is this true?i think it is? - what causes uterine lining shedding

Why can not the time during pregnancy
Its mandate is to their menstrual cycle. During this cycle, is leaving the body hormones that signals to your reproductive organs to perform certain actions. Effect An increase in the hormones that the ovaries release an egg that travels from the ovary through the fallopian tube. In the meantime, a protective layer of blood and tissue thickens along the walls of the uterus. If can not fertilized the egg, hormone levels fall, and that tells your body it's time to remove, that the mucous membrane has accumulated in the uterus. That makes your rules.

During pregnancy, your body is completely focused on providing for your baby. The brain sends signals to the ovaries to the menstrual cycle to give, to stopTo grow your child a suitable environment. So rather than fall, continue to grow with the hormone levels over the next nine months. This helps your uterus prepare for growth and nutrition of your baby.

If your body is still regularly while she was pregnant, would the endometrium, which helps to feed your baby every month. In biological terms, this means does not make much sense. Therefore, the spotting or bleeding during pregnancy many women experience will have to suffer through something other than their time.


Lauren B said...

YES! Finally someone with the facts.

Sometimes women are spots, as long as the period. This place is often confused with the time of its "when you said, it's not your time. It is impossible to have a menstrual period and have to be pregnant. However, it is possible to detect in the blood. It is recommended that women have doctor if this happens to see.

Thank you for posting this. It bothers me when people claim to have a period during pregnancy when it is not the meet, what they do.

nessa913 said...

I agree with that, because the lining of the uterine lining is shed and what makes your time. Thus, if the walls of the uterus during pregnancy is shed into trouble. What is your question whether?

ashpinoz... said...

Bleeding is often from the so-called double uterus, where some have different signs and causes shed its lining. Blessing

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