Why is my computer restarting everytime i start Microsoft Train Simulator? - microsoft train simulator snowblower
I have an AMD Athlon 1.5 GHz 256 MB RAM (read acttualy only 240 MB of RAM), 16MB Video Card Windos XP I have 1.75 GB of free space on drive C, and 5, 35 GB of free disk space "D "So meetsall requirements if you can find on the Internet (requires only 64 MB of RAM or more for Windows XP, 8 MB graphics card, and about 400 to 500 and 1 MHz, 5 GB of disk space, but you can check online to see) I've installed the game folder (in my D D: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Microsoft Games \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Train Simulator) and at the end of the installation, I started the game by pressing "OK" in the licsense agreement and then my computer restarts, I see in black and restarted it! WHY? What should I do?
Microsoft Train Simulator Snowblower Why Is My Computer Restarting Everytime I Start Microsoft Train Simulator?
6:59 PM
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